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BlueCross BlueShield Dentist – Newport, RI

Learn How BlueCross BlueShield Can Help You Save

BlueCross BlueShield remains one of the most widely used dental insurance providers in the country. With millions of people choosing to enroll in one of their many available plans, they continue to help patients like yourself save when it comes to necessary oral healthcare.

As a BlueCross BlueShield dentist in Newport, we do our best to lower your out-of-pocket costs by not only offering affordable services but also negotiating fees with the insurance company so that any aspects of the treatment you must pay for remain as low as possible. Call our office to inquire about how we can maximize your plan today.

BlueCross BlueShield Coverage Availability & Fees

Female patient visiting her dentist

When using your BlueCross BlueShield dental plan, you’ll find there are different costs associated with premiums, deductibles, and annual maximums depending on the type of plan you choose. The benefits, however, largely look quite similar:

The savings you can expect with this type of plan are what makes seeing an in-network dentist worthwhile. Although you have the option to choose whomever you’d like to see for your oral healthcare needs, you’ll save more when opting for a dentist who is in-network with BlueCross BlueShield.

If you do not have a plan through this company but instead have one through another provider, you may be required to pay the remaining balance. However, you can expect to receive the same high-quality, affordable dentistry that is available in our office.

Meet the Team

Dental team smiling

The team at Newport Dental Associates is here to answer your questions and address any concerns you might have about your dental insurance plan. As skilled and knowledgeable experts who understand the ins and outs associated with your specific policy, we can more clearly discuss what’s included in your plan and how best to maximize any available benefits you have. We’ll also go over how much of your annual maximum remains so that you do not have to pay excessive out-of-pocket costs at the end of each year. Just call our office to ask a member of our team for additional information.